Human Snakes is a game that many children may have heard of, but may not play as much as they would like to, especially if you have more than ten people. It’s a fun indoor activity for groups or for relaxing after a meeting. To play the game, you must split the group into smaller teams with the same players. Although teams can be arranged in any way you like, it is recommended to allocate four to six people per team.
Once your team has been separated, have everyone stand in a line with their hands on the shoulders of the person standing in front of them. Everyone in the team is blindfolded, except for the person at the back of the line. The object of the game is to navigate through the over-the-barrier route like a human snake, with the player operating at the end of the line.
Navigation is transmitted by a simple tap on the shoulder. For example, a tap on the left shoulder turns left. The movement then moves upwards. Certainly this group game is fascinating and helps those navigating to improve their coordination and timing skills.